Give to the Work of Our Ministry

None of the work we do at our church would be possible without God moving the hearts of our people to give. Your generosity helps create a church where people feel welcomed, lead, and loved—a place where life-changing stories are being written every week. On behalf of those stories, thank you for giving from your heart.

We give in order to be blessed, not for fear of anything negative in our lives. We give out of gratitude and love! You can give your gift safely and securely online - this is one of the easiest ways to give to our church. Thank you.

Your Giving at Work

The donations given help us to perform charitable works throughout the year within the community. Your giving allows us to invest in several ministries to make an impact in the lives of people, especially our youth. We believe in doing as the Bible says, "Contribute to the needs of the saint and be given to hospitality". Romans 12:13 ESV

Upcoming Service Opportunities

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...